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Have you ever had one of those days?

As Shania Twain says:

“…I’m falling apart….I am late for work and my car won’t start….

My panty line shows, gotta run in my hose, my hair went flat,

Man I hate that……”

Yeah, one of those days….

Where you just want to sit and cry, forget anything else.

Yup, I know those days too, we all have them.

Now, I know this is going to sound like a cliche because I am a trainer,

But really, going and working out has been proven to elevate your mood.

Exercise increases serotonin levels, the positive chemical in your brain,

And your mood is lifted.

But sometimes it is so much more than that: sometimes it is the release.

Have you ever tried a kickboxing class when you are angry?

Did it feel satisfying?

Or taken a spinning class when you were faced with a large burden in your life,

And those hills were a little easier to climb.

You would be amazed how much more weight you can lift when you are really angry,

But I don’t recommend going too heavy because you will feel it the next day.

Exercise is a great place for us to release the stress that occurs,

When life happens.

And guess what… happens.

So take the dog for a walk, or a hike, or a run,

Whatever you think you need to release the pressure.

Turn on your favorite music and dance, that will always lift the spirits.

You may even want to go try that kickboxing class you have been thinking about,

Just don’t punch too hard, you will feel that later.

Have a fit day!

This weekend I was meeting with a friend of mine to discuss

My boot camps.

He trains kick boxers, specifically Muay Thai Fighters,

And asked if I could hold sessions for his team,

He wants his students to develop: Power, speed, endurance, and Strength,

And he finished by saying something about working them so hard they throw up…


Was my first thought,

My second thought was that I understood what he was saying….

Take them to their limits.

But I quickly reminded him that making a group of guys work so hard they vomit,

Well, that’s easy.

Making them work hard WITH a specific purpose in mind that supersedes the work load,

That is responsible training.

See, some trainers will work you hard just to prove a point: That they can.

But often it is to the detriment of the client or student.

I’ll put it another way: I can make you run and squat and do push ups until you puke,

But if those exercises are not designed to help you attain your goal,

You are more likely to get an injury before you get a result.

Why am I mentioning all of this to you?

Because there are some trainers who will design the MOST difficult workouts

Just to prove something,

I want you to feel free to ask questions about the overall program design.

If you are not happy with the results you are getting, please know that you can ask

Or comment about how your body looks and feels.

Your trainer should be able to support the workout structure,

And modify it accordingly, especially if you feel any pain.

The myth about “no pain, no gain” went out the window with the type writter,

It is archaic and old school.

Yes, exercise IS uncomfortable, but there is a vast difference between true pain and general workout discomfort.

As for the kick boxers, they may actually throw up, but these guys are getting in the ring

With other guys who are punching and kicking them because THEY WANT THEM TO!

They will get pushed beyond their current fitness and endurance limits

So they survive in the ring.

They are elite athletes,

You do not need to work THAT hard, or be incapacitated the next day due to your workouts.

Stay in communication with your trainer,

And if they are not helping you, find another trainer who will.

Be safe and sweaty.

Have a healthy day!